At His Feet

John 8 begins with the crowd dragging a woman to Jesus.  She was caught in the act of adultery. Her guilt was self evident.....her shame was very visible....they caught her in the act and dragged her to Jesus but they didn't come with just her...they came with stones in hand... To them it was case closed! She is guilty!
They were so sure that she was about to die! So they threw her down at the feet of Jesus. They said, "We caught her...she's guilty! The law said to stone her, what do you say?"  The Bible simpy says that Jesus stooped down...He leaned down to her level... (I love the fact that although Jesus is
so above us, He still chooses to position Himself down on our level to make Himself available and within reach!)... He stooped down and He began to write in the sand. What did He write in the sand? We don't know. But when He finally broke the silence and spoke, He gave a simple reply..."Let he that is without sin cast the first stone!"
I can almost see this woman kneeling with head hung at the feet of Jesus as she held her breath expecting the stoning to begin...she knew she was guilty...she knew she couldn't deny it...she had no defense...she had no, she knelt there at the feet of Jesus in despair thinking her life was over.
But friend,  no matter what shape you are in when you come, there is always hope at the feet of Jesus! That poor old devil. If his desire was to kill her, he should have never thrown her at the feet of Jesus! She should have been brought somewhere else. Anywhere else. But not at the feet of Jesus! You see, things change at the feet of Jesus! Hope lives in his presence!
She held her breath expecting stones to come, but they never did. One by one, stones fell to the ground until Jesus broke the silence. "Woman, where are your accusers?  Where is the death that followed you here? Where are the crowd sneers? Where is that hopelessness and despair that was surrounding you?" Slowly, she lifts her head. She saw no one, but her and Jesus...
You see problems have a way of vanishing at the feet of Jesus! Troubles can't stay. Depression must flee. Condemnation must walk away at the feet of Jesus!
After a good altar experience, there at His feet, troubles and worries and heartaches and despair, disappear! Weights and stones fall to the ground and we walk away just like this woman in this story, without fear and without condemnation, all because of time spent at His feet.
Ladies and gentlemen, when you feel the weight of the world on you and you're surrounded with more than you can handle, do yourself a favor and carry it all to an altar and spend some time at His feet. Things change at the feet of Jesus!
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1 Comment

Pam Gough - August 30th, 2023 at 9:52pm

Oh this message just feels so right. I can't explain it but I know it's for me. Thank you for always following God's lead.